Different Types of Electrical Wire and How to Choose One

January 19, 2023

Electrical wires come in many types and sizes and can transmit different amounts of electrical energy. The basic materials used for making electrical wires are aluminum and copper, with copper having better conductivity. Small-sized cables are universally utilized for smaller devices that don’t pull much energy. What follows is an explanation of the top four wires and a guide on choosing one. Underground Feeder Cable An underground feeder cable, or UF, is a non-metallic wire type for damp areas, and these wires are often buried underground. This kind of wire has been widely used

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Preparing Your Electrical Panel for the Snow

December 20, 2022

An electrical panel is one of the main distribution centers for the electricity in your home. In winter, the panel can be easily damaged by heavy snow and other harsh conditions. Your lights, circuits and appliances are at risk if the panel is left unprotected outdoors. Here are a few ways you can prepare your electrical panel for the snow. Cover Your Electrical Panel Technology is rarely designed to handle the destructive effects of snow and freezing temperatures. The exterior of an electrical device, whether it’s a laptop or a phone, can crack in freezing weather,

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3 Tips for Getting Your Generator Ready For Winter

November 18, 2022

If you live in an area that gets snow and ice in the winter, then you know how important it is to have a reliable generator. After all, no one wants to be left in the cold if their power goes out. But did you know that your generator also needs to be prepared for winter weather? Here are three tips to help you make sure your generator will work when the temperatures start to drop. 1. Schedule a Professional Maintenance A professional generator maintenance service technician can clean and inspect your generator and make necessary

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Does It Matter Where You Put Your Electrical Panel?

October 20, 2022

If you’re having a new home built or replacing your electrical panel, you should know the best places for one to be. While the electrician will make a recommendation and do the work, you get to decide where it is within certain parameters. The National Electrical Code (NEC) spells out the requirements and restrictions for where an electrical panel can be. Best Locations The best place to put an electrical panel is in a basement or garage. Other common places to put one include hallways, entryways, and large storage rooms. The NEC says they can’t go

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4 Things to Expect From an Electric Inspection

September 15, 2022

Electrical inspections are an important part of any home inspection. You can’t see everything going on in a house with just a visual inspection, but an electrical inspection gives you a good idea of the state of all the wires and electric components. A proper inspection will help you protect your property from potential damage and expenses in the long run. 1. The Electric Meter Is Checked for Possible Defects The meter is checked first to see if it was properly installed. Sometimes the mechanisms become defective through wear and tear. Water may sometimes seep

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How Do I Replace a Ceiling Fan?

August 11, 2022

Ceiling fans provide invaluable air circulation benefits and save you money on your energy bill. As these helpful fixtures age and wear down, they can become safety hazards if not promptly replaced. While you may feel comfortable changing out your fan, it’s often better to rely on an electrician who can safely handle your home’s wiring. Ceiling Fan Replacement It’s time to consider a ceiling fan replacement if your current fixture is making odd noises, not responding to the switch or looks more wobbly than usual. These fixtures are removed by turning off your electricity,

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Factors to Look Into When Choosing a Surge Protector

July 20, 2022

A surge protector diverts an extra electrical charge into grounding wires, preventing it from reaching your device. We offer whole-home surge protection to ensure you get the security you need for your entire residence. Here are some of the factors to consider when buying a surge protector. Joules Rating This is the amount of protection a surge protector can offer. It is the number of joules that the surge protector can absorb. When buying a surge protector, choose one with a higher joule rating. A higher joule rating will ensure that your surge protection is sufficient.

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4 Ways to Extinguish an Electrical Fire

June 13, 2022

Electrical fires can be particularly dangerous because of the high voltage involved. When faced with an electrical fire, it is important to know how to extinguish the blaze properly. Here are a few tips on how to safely extinguish an electrical fire. 1. Turn Off the Power If you have an electrical fire, the most important thing to do is turn off the power. You can do this by unplugging any appliances that may be causing the fire or by flipping the main breaker switch. Once the power is off, you can use a fire extinguisher

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How to Recycle Electrical Wiring Waste the Right Way

May 19, 2022

Today, electrical wires form one of the fastest-growing waste in the world. The rate at which broken wires and cables are disposed of is a significant environmental hazard that needs immediate addressing. You should also look for some creative methods of disposing of the cables gathering dust in your house. Instead of throwing them in the trash bin, here are some responsible recycling approaches to consider. Retail Drop-Off One of the simplest ways to recycle electrical wires is by dropping them off at your local retail store. Most retailers partner with recycling outfits that collect and

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3 Helpful Tips for Saving Electricity This Summer

April 18, 2022

Once the sweltering weather of the Ambler, PA summer arrives, there’s a good chance that your cooling appliance will be frequently running. Of course, the comfort of you and your family is paramount, but relying too heavily on your AC unit can have its disadvantages. In addition to putting extra wear and tear on the cooling unit, it will also use up quite a bit of costly electricity. To compensate for all of the energy that your air conditioner will require, there are a few things you can do to keep your electricity bills at a reasonable level.

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