Top Reasons to Use a Surge Protector

March 15, 2022

Surge protectors are convenient devices that protect your belongings during electrical emergencies. You won’t have to worry about costly appliance repairs or potential safety hazards anymore. Here’s why you should outfit your home with quality surge protectors now. Protects Against Electrical Surges A surge protector acts as a guard between your appliances and the electrical current. Many homes use a standard voltage of 120 volts. However, your outlets can’t always guarantee a consistent voltage amount. During storms or electrical emergencies, more power can run through your home and cause damage to your electronics and appliances.

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Common Circuit Breaker Issues

February 15, 2022

Tripping the circuit breaker is a common home issue that could just mean you overloaded a circuit. However, it can also indicate potential wiring issues that need professional intervention immediately. Keep an eye out for these wiring problems in your home. Overloaded Circuit This is the most common issue you may face when the power in one area of your home suddenly goes out. One too many appliances or light fixtures were plugged in and tried to draw more power than the circuit had to offer. This issue can easily be fixed by resetting the circuit

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Common Electrical Problems During the Winter

January 12, 2022

You will probably encounter various electrical problems this winter, including damaged appliances and bad wiring. Knowing about these issues early on will keep your loved ones safe. Sparking Outlets You could encounter sparking electrical outlets this coming winter. Although some sparks are no cause for concern, some signify a major electrical issue. If an electrical outlet sparks for too long, it might get hot and cause some severe problems. The protective coating on the electrical wires might melt away, increasing the chances of a fire hazard or electric shock. Flickering Lights Another

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Ensuring Electrical Safety for Your Extension Cords

December 20, 2021

Nearly every household uses extension cords for projects ranging from landscaping to Christmas decorations. But if used incorrectly, an extension cord becomes a risk to the user and a liability to its owner. The following are tips to ensure that your extension cords are used safely at home or work. Keep Cords Away From Walkways Cords are damaged more easily when they’re left lying on walkways in homes and buildings. Visible cords are constantly being stepped on, kicked aside or thrown, and mishandled. Find an alternative route to run your cords without getting in other

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Amps and Watts: What’s the Difference?

November 20, 2021

In electric circuits, the watt is an approximation of the amount of power consumed by a device. It measures a device’s power consumption per unit of time. An amp, on the other hand, is the amount of current a device needs to provide the necessary amount of power for its intended purpose. This can be measured in units of amperes. Measuring Amps and Watts In electric circuits, watts and amps are used to measure the power consumption of electrical devices. However, you may be required to measure the number of amps or watts in an

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How Can You Responsibly Recycle Electrical Wiring Waste?

October 19, 2021

Most people throw away their electrical wire when they’re finished. Some pay to have it disposed of at the dumpsite. Regrettably, electrical wiring makes up a significant part of the waste we offload on our environment. It’s imperative to keep electrical wiring and cables out of the trash. They have a combination of invaluable resources that can get recycled and plastic coatings that can harm the environment. The tips given below can help you recycle your electrical wiring waste responsibly. Donate to Someone Else If the electrical cable or device is still working, maximize its

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6 Electrical Safety Tips For Fall

September 20, 2021

Autumn is right around the corner, and now is the perfect time to review electric safety tips. Knowing these tips will help you to minimize the risk of electric shock and fire. 1. Check Plugs You will want to go throughout your home and check your plugs periodically to make sure that the plugs are in the outlets well and not loose. Loose plugs can overheat, which can cause a fire. 2. Test Ground Circuits During the fall months, you will want to check your ground fault circuits. This will help

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A Simple Guide for Installing Electrical Outlets

August 16, 2021

Your home requires electricity to make it livable. Where would you be without lights, an HVAC system and all those appliances that make your life easier? Occasionally, your residence in Ambler will need an electrical outlet installed. Though it doesn’t happen often, these little devices can malfunction and require a replacement. Additionally, you may want to upgrade to a newer look if the current one is dated or has cracks. Putting in a new outlet isn’t rocket science, but there are some risks whenever you’re working with electricity. Steps to Replace an Outlet

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The Dangers of Backfeeding

July 26, 2021

Backfeeding occurs when electricity flows backward from its intended destination. This reversal of flow may occur due to actions by the homeowner or the electric company. If not monitored and controlled carefully, there are several dangers that are present with backfeeding. How Backfeeding Occurs Advancements in renewable energy have resulted in reduced energy consumption and increased savings. Excessive amounts of electrical power are being generated and delivered to homes and businesses. The electric utility provider may notice this level of excess and reverse the flow of power back into the electrical grid. There are several other

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Why Is My Electric Bill So High?

June 28, 2021

Dealing with a high electric bill is an all too common problem for many people. These surprise expenses can often derail a budget and create a lot of additional stress. An electric bill may be higher than normal for many reasons. Further investigating the issue can help you determine the root cause of your problem and help you avoid this issue in the future. Here are a few of the most common reasons why your electric bill is so high. 1. You’re Using Incandescent Lightbulbs One simple yet effective way to lower your electric bill is

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